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08 November, 2009

Slow week...


Last week had some cool stuff. First, an interview with the owner of the Village Vanguard (for the Babs DVD). The next day, I gaffed an interview for "American Masters" (Thirteen), with DP, Eddie Marritz. Eddie is a great cameraman and someone I've always looked up to. He was one of the DPs that I used to assist under as I was honing the craft and it was always a pleasure and a real learning experience to work with him. Earlier this year, I operated second camera under Eddie for an upcoming feature doc on magician, Ricky Jay, but other than that, it's been a while since I worked with him. Last week was nice.

And this week is slow. Them's the breaks. Gonna try to use this free time wisely... finish up on some personal projects and maybe even start something new. We'll see how that goes.