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As I've mentioned in numerous posts (and right above in the byline), I'm not just a cameraman for hire, but also a filmmaker.  I carry the philosophy of storytelling into my cameraman gigs, but I also make it a point to work on my own films as often as possible.  Here are some of my own projects that I've at least directed (and often also shot, edited and written).

"Johnny B" (2009)
Short Film

"A first rate short film... [the] elements of success are in place, well controlled direction, believable acting... and cinematography that delivers super images without shouting 'look at me' and getting in the way of the story..." - 2009 North American Movie Makers Awards (American Motion Picture Society)

(writer, producer, director, D.P., editor)

Shorty Two Inch - "Save The Environment" (2007)
Music Video

(producer, director, D.P., writer)

Yarn - "I've Already Won" (2007)
Doc-style Music Video

(producer, director, D.P., editor)